Keith Brooks
B2B Whisperer - CEO
Aggressive CI, CI Workshops
B2B GTM and Pricing Strategist, CMO for Hire
US: +1 561-289-4731
Israel: +972 (0)58-661-6987
UK: +44 (0)203.769.1006
Here is a video interview I did around collaboration, messaging and technology
March - Gave a Webinar for SCIP on Competitive Intelligence and Conferences for People with a Low Interaction Threshold. Slides.
February - Quoted in the article by Funmito Obafemi for Coldiq.
"How to use Intent Signals to Boost B2B Sales"
January - Recognized as an HCL Ambassador for 2025
December - Quoted in the article Building a Leadership Team: 16 Tips for Startup Growth"
December - Presented at the SCIP Intellicon Barcelona 2024 event. "The Greatest Competitive Intelligence Effort of Modern Times", slides are here. Below is a brief clip from the event that I was featured in.
July - OpenNTF Webinar - Advanced Monitoring and Administration features for HCL Domino, video, slides.
February - Podcast guest on Hot Topics Live, discussed How to use Competitive Intelligence to make $$$. Youtube Link here.
January - Recognized as an HCL Ambassador for 2024
October - Times of Israel Guest Blogger: The Waiting is The Hardest Part, We Aren’t Turning the Other Cheek, What Do You Say? What Do You Do?
October - Quoted on the Pursue the Passion blog, Topic: Why Are You Passionate about Diversity and Inclusion? under the subheading, Making a Critique of Exclusive Diversity Approaches
June, October, November - English Speaking Network Presentation "How to Build a Presentation in under 24 Hours"
April - Podcast guest on Episode 16 "Are You Happy Business Podcast"
April - The CIO Circle did an interview with me
April - Podcast about Ai and B2B Marketing with a view to the future within the industry with DebateSensei at this link
March - Presented a 1.5 hour webinar for OpenNTF.org called TOTP - This is the Way
I start at the 6 minute mark, the video is on YouTube
February - Presented a session at the annual ITA - Israel Translation Association conference about Ai
and job futures: To Grow or NOT To Grow, That is not the Question, But the Imperative
Slides are here. Video is here.
February - Guest on the Sales Enablement Collective podcast
February - Quoted in Collabria's blog post How to Inherit a Portfolio of Upset Clients
January - Quoted in Smartling's blog post"App Localization 101: What It Is, Why It's Important & Best Practices"
January - Recognized as an HCL Ambassador for 2023
RedFox Visual quoted me in their blog post about Branding Confusion
Collabria quoted me in their blog post about Inbox Zero
Competitive Intelligence Alliance quoted me in their blog post
Featured Linkedin Article Your CI Starting Block
Times of Israel Guest Blogger Post Halloween in Israel Explains the Election
Featured twice in the Competitive Intelligence Alliance
Quoted in the Convin ebook "How to Sell Faster in 2022" available here.
Also available here.
Presentations given at the Collabsphere 2021conference.
The first was about TOTP (Time-based One Time Passwords) and MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) called "Yes, It's #1 it's TOTP!".
Slides are here and the video from the session is on you tube here. It can be downloaded from here.
The second session was about Directory, AD Synchronization and Passwords
Host of a panel for the PMA Developer Marketing Summit on "Marketing Invisible Products (like APIs) to a Technical Audience" this link will take you to the replay
Presentations given at the AdminCamp 2021 conference on Modernizing Rooms and Resources Functionality
And Hacking Administrators
Quoted on Product Marketing Alliance regarding Sales Enablement
Quoted on Dashly.io regarding Sales Enablement
Quoted on Dashly.io regarding Customer Support
Prominic's review of my session on O365 from the Collabpshere in October 2020
January - Recognized as an HCL Ambassador for 2021
Presented a session at the Engage Conference in Arnhem
Presentation Domino Administration - Dark Arts Wizardry
Podcast guest on The Bagel Podcast discussing Zoom meetings, Jewish Halachic laws and Passover during the Corona Virus.
Listen to me at 32:08.
Presented a session to the MassChallenge Israel startup group for 2020 on Decks Matter, And Other Startup Font Tales.
Panelist for The Sales Enablement Soiree
download the video here or watch in on youtube here.
Quoted in a blog post from the Sales Enabllemnt Collective on How to handle the 4 most common sales objections discussing pricing objections
Presentations given at the Collabsphere Event, slides are here:
To Home, To Work, To Home, To Collabsphere and Shoot Me Now! The Life and Death of an O365 Admin and User.
The video for To Home is on you tube.
The video for Shoot Me Now! is on you tube
January - Recognized as an HCL Ambassador for 2020
Presentations given at the IBM Think conference in San Francisco
Lightning Talk "Why I, and you, (should) Love Domino"
Presentation "Why This Global Law Firm Does Not Miss Deadlines"
Presentations given at the Engage Conference in Brussels
Presentation #1 "Shout IT Out Loud"
Presentation #2 "Users Complaints and How to Deal With Them"
Presentations given at the NCUG (Nordic Collaboration User Group)
Presentation #1 Why Didn't Anyone Tell Me Notes Could Do That
Presentation #2 Admin Hacks for Users and Admins Sanity
Recognized as an HCL Ambassador for 2019
Presented a session at the ITA - Israel Translators Association 2018 Conference
  Faster Translations Start With A Faster Computer
Presentations given at the IBM Thinkconference in Las Vegas
Presentation #1 Soft Skills, Hard Skills, Body Language and More
Presentation #2 I'm a LEGO Man Living in a Duplo World
Presented a session at the Social Connections Conference in Philadelphia
on Breaking the Unwritten Rules to Help Your Users
Presented a session at the Engage Conference in Rotterdam
on "Pointing Fingers? DDM to the Rescue"
The Times of Israel Guest Blogger2017
Presentation at the IBM Connect conference on "One Firm's Wild Ride to the Cloud"
3 presentations given at the Israel Translators Association 2017 Conference
on "18+ Ways to Help Clients Love You"
Advanced Backups and Fixing Your Own Computer
Guest Speaker, IBM Business Partner New Way to Learn aboutIBM Sametime 9 Installation Woes and Proactive Repairs And shorter SpeedGeeking sessions
A Medium Blog Post IBM Domino Will Outlast Pokemon Go!
February 1 - "Stop Raising Haters"
January 1 - "Seeing Snow for the First Time, in Israel, on Hanukkah"
Guest Blogger for the IBM Middleware User Community2016
Presented a session at the Israel Translators Association 2016 Conference on
"What Were You Thinking? Worst Translation Practices" and
"My Dog Ate My translation Assignment - And Other Stories of Lost Documents"
Blog post published in Targima Magazine "Getting From No, to Know"
MC for AdTech 2016 Conference
Guest Speaker for the IBM Business Partner New Way to Learn session on EMail Migrations
Guest Blogger for The RockTeam titled You have been in IT for years
Presentation given at ICON UK on "Migration: Impossible Not So"
Guest Blogger on BINFIRE and their "Dear Collaboration Corner".
September - Noah, The Watson Robot (IBM has changed links, looking for it)
August - Upgrading to the Latest Code Might Not Be a Good Idea(IBM has changed links, looking for it)
The Times of Israel Guest Blogger
October 27 - "Better Read Those Corporate Annual Meeting Amendments">
August 12 - The 2 year Aliyahversary
August 9 - 4 Down, 3.5 to Go
June 9 - I Want to Tell You
March 14 - This is NOT My Torah
Presented a session at the Social Connections Conference in Stuttgart
The Times of Israel Guest Blogger2015
Presented a session at the Social Connections Conference in Boston on
Presentation"Email vs. Status Updates"
Quoted and particpated in a panel discussion for the Accelerating Business Transformations Report from BPI Network Transforms to a Better Performing Community
Quoted in The Data Center Journal Business Leaders Want a New Scorecard for the IT Group(Link broken, looking for a new link)
Presented a session at the SUTOL - Czech Lotus User Group Conference of 2015 called
Presentation "Domino Domain Monitoring, Letting Admins Sleep Later and Stay at Pubs Longer Since 2005"
called "Technology and Religion, an explanation can be found on my blog here
November 22 - Israeli Research Team Has Cured Cancer
August 12 - 1st Year Done, Lifetime Left for the Journey
August 11 - Aliyah, The Greatest Cult
July 13 - OMG! You Made Aliyah and Brought Tuna?!
June 15 - Practical Pettiness
May 22 - A Rabbi Walks into a Social Media Stream
February 27 - Hey BDS People, Divest Yourselves
February 12 - Making Aliyah? Think About These Excuses
Video Interview from IBM Impact for - TheCUBE with John Furrier of Silicon Angle
Mentioned in a DIGIDAY article on Publicis Group moving off Lotus Notes.
Co-author of an IBM Redbook "Making the move to IBM Connections 4.5 and IBM Connections Content Manager"
Video Interview - What is an IBM Champion from IBM Impact 2013
IBM Social Business Insights Blog(Not all Links are working , this will be fixed as I find them)2013
temporarily unavailable
October 15 - Who saw your slides? Six more tips on getting more shares (Part 2) Internet ate this one, so far
October 7 - Who saw your slides? Four tips on getting more shares (Part 1) Internet ate this one, so far
August 16 - What scares Dracula about being social? Still looking for it
June 10 - Curbing your social media habits once a week
May 8 - IBM Champions make an Impact: Video Blog Looking for it still
May 4 - What if the Death Star Got Social and Darth Vader Ruled?
April 25 - Making Time for Social
January 30 - Social Lessons from the 3 L's
Video Interview - "How Social Business Improves Productivity"
Guest on the Lotusphere 2012 Podcast2012
Video Interview - "Realizing the Value of Social Business"
IBM Social Business Insights Blog Contributed
December 27 - New Year's Resolution: Turning that No into a Yes!
October 23 - The Power of 30: It Takes 30 Days and 30 People
Presented a session at The View Admin conference, Breaking and Entering: If You Can Hack It, So Can They
The Daily Blogma Site
Referenced in a post by Carol Roth, 60+ Ways to Leverage & Use Twitter to Grow Your Business
Co-author of "IBM Lotus Quickr 8.5 for Domino Administration"
Presented a session at The View Admin Conference, Under the Hood of Mail Redirection and Its Effects on iNotes and iPhone Users
Guest on the "This Week in Lotus" Podcast on September 16
Presented a session at LTAP 2010 - Virtual Conference, "If You Only Knew, What your Server Was Saying", Audio download here
Article in The View called "Which Quickr Services Are Right for You?"
Mentioned as a Case Study in "The Social Factor" by Maria Azua, Page 112
Articl in The View called "Choose the IBM Lotus Sametime Client That's Right for You"
Quoted in Heartland News about Pleasant Hill, California Tries Risky Muni Wi-Fi
Quoted in CIO Magazine article that appeared in Macworld, "iPhone 2.0: What CIOs Want to See in Apple's Next-Gen Smartphone"
Quoted in CIO Magazine, "Getting Clueful: Five Things You Should Know About Fighting Spam"
URL: https://keithbrooks.com
Last Updated: Tuesday, 18-Mar-2025 14:39:31 Jerusalem Standard Time
Copyright © 2001-2024 Keith Brooks